June 4th 2021 marks the tenth anniversary of Invitatione’s first concert!

Singers and players at St. Vincent’s Church, Hull, on Saturday 4th June 2011
Our very first concert was performed at 1.00 on the Saturday afternoon of 4th June 2011. I was teaching at Hull Collegiate School at the time. The idea for the concert arose because some of the pupils and I wanted to create an opportunity to perform one of our A-level set works – Bach’s Cantata No. 48, ‘Ich elender Mensch’. We built the programme around this, selecting other music by Bach and Handel to go alongside the Cantata. The concert programme is shown here on the right.

The soloists for the concert were mostly pupils who were then attending Hull Collegiate School – Robin Datta, Rachel Barnes, Charlotte Wills, and Anita Datta who played Handel’s organ concerto Op. 4 No. 1.
Most of the singers and players were pupils from Hull Collegiate School, students or ex-students of Hull University, and local music teachers.
The concert was such a success that we decided to organise a follow-up concert in the Autumn of that same year, moving from German Baroque to Italian Baroque, and the Invitatione project was underway.